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Featured Store Module

Featured stores provide promotional sliders with different stores or product categories on a marketplace home page or otherpages.

Priyanka Kuruveetil avatar
Written by Priyanka Kuruveetil
Updated over a year ago

This awesome article will show you how to manage the featured store module available with the VB Enterprise version software, with promotional sliders. It is provided with an interface to add/edit different stores, groups of items, promotions and sliders.

Once the Featured Store module is integrated to a marketplace, an admin can find the featured Store module by clicking on the icon below the reports sections on the control panel as highlighted below.

You can add or edit existing promotions, or view the list of saved promotions. You can go to any promotion's action tab to view/edit/delete. Click on the 'Enabled'/'Disabled' text under 'status' for enabling/disabling the display of the promotion.

To add a new promotion, click on the 'Add promotion' tab, then complete the form displayed below, and save it to add to the the promotion list.

The promotion name and the pages where you want it to be displayed are mandatory details that must be provided. Click on the 'List Promotion' button to go back to the previous listing page.

Click on the view/add sliders button to add slides to the the promotion. Following is an example of a list of sliders that were added to the selected promotion. You can enable/disable the sliders according to your preferences.

Click on the 'Add Slider' button to add a new slider and provide details required to complete the form. All fields are mandatory.

You can copy the url for the Item category from the marketplace and paste it on the 'Link' field. It's the same form used for the edit slider option. Click on the 'List Slider' button to go back to the previous sliders listing page.

Sliders will be displayed on the promotions page in the same order as they are listed in the table. You can also rearrange the order using drag and drop, then Save the new order.

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