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Stripe Connect Payments

This article will provide guidance to activate a Stripe account for payment processing.

Bruce avatar
Written by Bruce
Updated over 8 months ago

Here's how to get a no hassle instant gateway enabled merchant account integrated with VirtualBarter for member fee processing ...

Simply click Add Account in the Setup Stripe Account in the Payment Gateway Settings section of the Exchange Settings page, which is found on the Exchange menu to request your very own Stripe merchant account.

Each Stripe account has a unique Stripe Public Key and Stripe Account ID, which are integrated into your VirtualBarter exchange.

Click the orange Setup Stripe Account Onboarding button to get started. Enter your email address and click Submit.

If you already have a Stripe account you would like to use, enter the email address on your existing account.

After you setup your account with Stripe, select Stripe as your payment gateway in the drop down menu near the top of the Payment Gateway page.

VirtualBarter & Stripe uses tokenization for enhanced security.

  • A unique token is generated for each member so their credit card data is never transmitted during processing.

  • When a new member is added to your exchange, they must provide the CVV code in addition to credit card number and expiration date.

  • If you're switching from a different processor, all current members must renter their card number, expiration date and CVV code to their payment details to tokenize their card credentials, so you can start process through Stripe.

About Stripe

Never lose a single cent to fraud
Every transaction processed by WePay is secured by industry-leading risk technology. And if some does get through, don’t worry: they will eat that cost.

A service you can trust
Stripe is used by several of the largest billing websites such as Uber, Airbnb, Zoom, and Shopify.

Merchant Processing Fees
Stripe charges all merchants 2.9% of the credit card transaction amount + a $0.30 transaction fee. ACH is 1% and $0.30 per transaction. Stripe deducts their fees, and deposits the net amount to your checking account within 2 days.

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