Most error will be related to Payments, which will provide the info you need to correct the issue. If you received a Generic Error Code, let us know the Company Name and Code number, and we will resolve the issue for you.
Payment Error Codes
2001: The AVS check on the payment failed (invalid billing address)
2002: The card type is not supported (i.e. not Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, or Diners Club)
2003: The issuing bank indicated that the card is not supported
2004: The issuing bank declined the charge but didnt tell us why (generally due to a fraud check on their side)
2005: The payment method does not have sufficient funds to make the payment
2006: The card has been lost or stolen
2007: The card has expired (some issuing banks dont care though and we only care if they do)
2008: Some of the card data was invalid (CVV, expiration date, card number, name on card).
2009: The credit_card object is in an invalid state for that action
Generic Error Codes
1001: You try to make an API call that doesn’t exist like /user/robots.
1002: You are missing a required header such as User-Agent, Content-Type, or Authorization.
1003: You passed an invalid parameter value such “robot” for the “fee_payer” parameter.
1004: You did not pass a required parameter.
1005: We were unable to parse the parameters you passed (ie your JSON is malformed).
1006: We were completely unable to authenticate your request (probably your access_token doesn’t exist).
1007: You have made too many requests in a short time period. See our throttling documentation for more details.
1008: WePay encountered an unexpected error. Contact
1009: This error can be displayed to the user and generally relates to user data - long term this code will be replaced by more specific error codes.
1010: You do not have sufficient permissions to perform the requested action.
1011: The access_token you passed has been revoked.
1012: The code parameter (OAuth2) has expired.
1013: The client_id you passed does not match the code parameter.
1014: IP address you are making API calls from is not on the IP whitelist for your app.
1015: API Version is invalid or expired.
1016: The API version specified in the ‘Api-Version’ header used in the request is not valid for the app.
Can't find your error code in the list? Click Here to view additional categories of codes.